Call 1800 Respect


Across South Australia, Rotary has been heartened by the public support toward raising awareness of incidents of Domestic Violence, Coercive Control and Elder Abuse in our local community.

FIRSTLY - It is important for us to say, Rotary and its Walk for Respect is not Politically or Religiously motivated. This is a stance that Rotary holds internationally!

With this in mind, we invite your Council / Government Department / Agency to work with Rotary in 2024 to get involved with our Say NO to Domestic ViolenceSay YES to Respectful Relationships project. There are multiple ways you can do so, based on your own organisation's desires and capacity.

First - to better understand the inaugural Walk for Respect we held in 2023, please view the PHOTOS from that Parade.

Below are just a few ways we have already worked with other organisations, to help you start your own planning. No two are the same ... so it really does come down to tailoring your involvement to suit yourselves and your team.

Option - Walk

Simply encourage your extended team to be there on Saturday 14 September Parade day to walk, either behind your own Council or Departmental banner or for that matter, behind any of our Domestic Violence Support Groups' Banners. Please spread the word and encourage as many people to walk as you can:-

  • Your staff
  • Their family and friends
  • Ratepayers / Clients
  • Suppliers
  • Social Media followers
  • Your local Community Groups
    ... anyone else your team can think of!

Any of these individual people can be encouraged to register to walk today FOR FREE by clicking this link:-

Option - Walk Behind Your Own Parade Banner

Your Council / Department / Agency is welcome to have its own 2 metre wide Parade Banner for your staff and your extended team, to walk behind (see example photos on this page).

These professionally designed banners, working with you, ensure that all the people watching, including the TV cameras, can see your Council / Department's support toward reducing Domestic Violence.

Each banner is custom designed by our team to ensure the corporate look and and messaging is perfect for you. They are bright and colourful and command attention.

Then on Parade Day - your team simply find your banner when mustering in Victoria Square and everyone walks down King William Street behind it.

After Parade Day - you can take your banner with you and display it at one of your locations throughout the year. You might even choose to walk behind the same banner again in 2025!

Pricing is $500 which includes your individualised design and physical production, but also additional marketing promotions, including on our parade website to register:-

Option - Sponsorship

Running a Parade and Education programme of this magnitude comes with quite an array of costs ranging from Statutory fees; sound systems; signage; displays; safety & first aid; performers; marketing and more. Plus beyond Parade Day, Rotary is building programmes to raise awareness of Domestic Violence and ways to reduce incidents ... WHICH will of course benefit your own local community.

If your Council / Department can pledge any amount of $$ to help us build ongoing education and professionalism of the Parade itself, we would greatly appreciate it and we'll ensure you are well recognised on the website as a supporter, plus we will work with you as closely as possible to realise other opportunities.

You may even choose to SPONSOR a local Domestic Violence Support Group, to assist them to participate in the Parade. Your Council / Departmental logo could be included on their Parade Banner to promote the partnership between you.

Pledges of Sponsorship can be transacted in a number of ways, including by EFT to the Walk's host club, Rotary Regency Park's DV Campaign Account : BSB 105-011A/C 112 998 740. Alternatively, at time of formally registering your Organisation's participation ( ) there's an option to pledge a donation using a VISA or Mastercard.

If transferring by EFT - Please include a payment reference similar to "Council / Department Name - DV Parade pledge" and we'll be back in touch with you swiftly.

Option - T-shirts / Polo Shirts / Hats

National Workwear have partnered with Rotary to offer a great range of quality "Say NO to Domestic Violence" apparel.

Over 7,000 items last year were sold to members of the public across Australia.

Your Council / Department / Agency can order direct to have your team on Parade Day walking with the Say NO to DV messaging and looking fantastic.

National Workwear's online order form allows individuals to buy and pay for their own requirements ... OR ... they have a downloadable order form that allows your Organisation to make a bulk order, which saves on freight costs.

Have a look at the options :

Option - Promotion

Spread the word about Rotary's determination to build awareness of the scourge of Domestic Violence, the need to stamp it out and our Walk for Respect .

Include article(s) on your Council / Department / Agency Website and/or posts in your Social Media feeds.

If you have a mailing list, perhaps send some Emails to your ratepayers / customers. We can help you by providing graphics customised to your needs (phone Bill on 0410 523 106)

From this page, you are able to download Promotional Posters that can be printed and disseminated at your various locations.

We are even currently in negotiation with one Metro Council to include the SAY NO to DV graphics on their Council vehicles ... they are getting very creative about spreading the word ... and we love it!

You may have other ideas and we'd love to hear them.


For More Information or to Discuss Ideas

Contact your local Rotary Says NO to Domestic Violence team member
or our Campaign Marketing Manager Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 /