Call 1800 Respect

GROUPS Register for the Parade

Rotary would love to see any Organisation passionate about reducing the incidents of Domestic Violence in our community, represented in our Walk for Respect parade on Saturday 14 September 2024!

Last year, we were delighted to have 24 Groups lead their team of staff; volunteers; followers; supporters ... behind their own Group Banner. In total, around 1,000 people united peacefully and respectfully.

Groups represented were from the Domestic Violence support network and some businesses and Rotary Clubs with a keen passion.

First up - it is FREE to register your group

We ask you to supply basic contact details for Rotary to liaise with you.

We then add your group's LOGO to this website under the Parade Groups section (please email your logo to

Also on this registration form is an option to invest separately in having Rotary work with you to design; print and construct a big banner we'd love your group to carry to 'market' yourself to the TV cameras and visiting public (see details below).

You can see some photos on this page of banners prepared for groups in our 2023 Walk. We will craft a message with you, for your banner, that clearly shows your LOGO and SLOGAN (or similar).

Of Note! - if you are one of the groups who walked in 2023 and are intending to Walk again in 2024 - YES you are welcome to carry the same banner! Quick and Easy!

Ways your Group Can Make a Difference

Option - Promotion

Please spread the word about our Walk for Respect on 14 September 2024 .. plus our combined determination to build awareness of the scourge of Domestic Violence, including Coercive Control, and the need to stamp it out.

• Include article(s) on your Website

• Add posts in your Social Media feeds (we can supply you graphics to help!)

• Email your mailing lists (staff; clients; suppliers; members and followers)

• From this page, download the Promotional Poster that can be printed or email disseminated far and wide.

You may have other ideas and we'd love to hear them. Some of our Rotary Clubs for example are getting very creative about ways they are spreading the word ... and we love it. We hope you can help us also.

For support with any form of promotion and marketing, please contact Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 or via - he might even have a 'template Social Post' he can supply you that needs some basic personalisation, to make it fast for you to add things to your feeds.

Option - Parade Banner

In 2023 we had about 24 bright and colourful 2m wide banners walking down King William Street - bold and beautiful - promoting our Community Groups and the various personal messages they wanted to share.

Your Group is welcome to have its own banner. Pricing is $500, which not only includes the individualised design and physical production, but also additional marketing promotions, including a detailed profile of your services on this website - plus ongoing promotion of your events; success stories and innovative ways you interact with your community.

Please note that after the parade, you can use your banner at other events you attend, so as to continue promoting the "Say NO" message. Plus if you walk again in 2025, you'll be able to reuse your Banner then, as many other DV groups who walked last year will do in September this year.

Help us Encourage - Walkers

Simply be there on Saturday 14 September Parade Day to walk, either behind your custom designed banner or your team can walk with another group. Please spread the word and encourage as many people to walk as you can ... we're keen for the Media again this year to get wonderful footage of the event to build the awareness.


  • Your Staff / Volunteers and their families
  • Clients or Suppliers to your Organisation
  • Donors & Supporters
  • Social Media Followers ...
    ... in fact, anyone else your team can think of

ANYONE can individually register to walk on Parade day. It's FREE for individuals to register ... but we'd love to know how many are coming in advance, so please encourage them to register online here:-

Your Assistance Appreciated - Media Awareness

Many Organisations like yours have built strong relationships with different media outlets over the years, including local

  • Radio stations
  • TV broadcasters
  • Newspapers & magazines
  • Websites
  • Event Promoters
  • Social Media influencers ... and more

We would love it if you could share the word about our Walk for Respect to your contacts encouraging them to get behind us.

Whatever your Organisation is able to do, we'd appreciate you letting our Committee know by either emailing through details of your efforts to or giving Bill a call on 0410 523 106. Thank you.

Option - Share Stories and Events offers an opportunity to promote your Organisation and its coming events.

You can supply stories, case studies or events to our team to be included for free on our website.

For example - in the coming 16 Days of Activism, you may have events lined up. We'll do what we can to help you promote them for free on our website and Social Feeds.

Contact Bill via or on 0410 523 106.

Option - T-shirts / Polo Shirts / Hats

National Workwear have partnered with Rotary to offer a great range of quality "Say NO to Domestic Violence" apparel. If your Organisation does not already have a great 'uniform' / 'colours' to wear on Parade Day, we encourage you to consider these clothing designs.

Have a look at the options

Over 7,000 items last year were sold to members of the public across Australia.

You can order direct from the order form on this website. National Workwear's online order form allows individuals to buy and pay for their own requirements ... OR ... they have a downloadable order form that allows an Organisation like yours to make a bulk order, which saves on freight costs.

For more information or to brainstorm ideas to boost your visibility, contact Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 or

Option - Elder Park Display

In 2024, we're able to offer your group an opportunity in Elder Park, the END of our Walk for Respect, an opportunity to set up a display to interact with attendees.

In reality, people are not likely to hang around much longer than an hour or so, hence we're suggesting not bringing Marquees etc (plus we are unable to allow Marquees to be Pegged to the ground) ... but you might have some pull up banners / flags / tables with leaflets etc, and some willing staff or volunteers keen to talk to attendees.

Have a chat to Parade Chair Jeff Cluse on 0417 573 696 or send some details of your desires to


We know that for Groups wishing to invest in having a banner etc, it can be more convenient to EFT payments.

Payments can be sent directly to the Walk's host club, Rotary Club of Regency Park's DV Campaign Account :

BSB 105-011 • A/C 112 998 740

If transferring by EFT - Please include a payment reference similar to "XYZ Organisation Banner"

Alternatively, at time of formally registering your Club's participation there's an option to make payments using a VISA or Mastercard.

Our Major TV News Networks, including the ABC, attended our 2023 Walk for Respect.