Call 1800 Respect

Rotary Clubs - Get Involved - Tailor your Club interaction

With around 90 Rotary Clubs in District 9510, stretching across South Australia, Alice Springs and the Sunraysia region, there is a great deal of diversity, yet a consistent passion to work collaboratively on reducing the incidence of Domestic Violence in our community.

Any Rotary Club can get involved in our 2024 Walk for Respect, which will be held on Saturday 14th September and is linked to a range of educational and awareness programmes.

View the PHOTOS from our 2023 Parade to better understand how it runs and see how groups held their custom designed banners high! < click here - photo gallery >

First up ... it's easy for Your Club to Register to be a part in the 2024 Walk for Respect in one way or another ... simply click:-

Your help with any or all of the following will be appreciated:-

Club Option - Promotion

Spread the word about Rotary's determination to build awareness of the scourge of Domestic Violence, the need to stamp it out and our Walk for Respect .

Include article(s) on your Club Website or posts in your Social Media feeds.

If you have a mailing list, perhaps send some Emails to your members and followers.

From this page, you are able to download Promotional Posters that can be printed and disseminated around businesses or public places in your Club's catchment area, including your regular meeting venue(s). Keep a list of those who display the posters, as our committee would like to acknowledge their support on this website.

You may have other ideas and we'd love to hear them. Some of our Clubs are getting very creative about spreading the word ... and we love it.

For support with any form of promotion and marketing, please contact Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 or via

Club Option - Reach out to a Local Domestic Violence Group

Around most of our Rotary Clubs, there are magnificent groups working at the coal face to support victims of Domestic Violence, both direct physical abuse and the pressure of a Coercive Control environment.

Reach out to such a group and encourage their participation in our 2024 Walk for Respect. Simply connect them with our District Walk for Respect Committee.

That DV Group could walk behind their own customised banner. Your Club members could walk with them, both to support them by swelling their numbers and also to build a partnership with them.

Financially, we have found that some DV organisations / groups struggle to afford the modest investment price to design and print their banners. Would your Club consider sponsoring their involvement by investing $500 to cover all of their out-of-pocket costs. PLUS - we can then add your Rotary Club's Logo to their banner to highlight that partnership.

To talk through the options, please contact Bill on 0410 523 106 or

Club Option - Parade Banner

In 2023 we had about 25 bright and colourful 2m wide banners walking down King William Street - bold and beautiful - promoting Rotary and the various Domestic Violence support groups / agencies that participated.Your Club is welcome to have its own banner. Pricing is $500 that not only includes the individualise design and physical production, but also additional marketing promotions, including inclusion on this website.

Please note that after the parade, you can use your banner at other events you attend to continue promoting the "Say NO" message. Plus if you walk again in 2025, you'll be able to reuse it then, as many other DV groups who walked last year will do in September this year.

CASE STUDY : Rotary Morphett Vale produced a banner in conjunction with the Southern Districts Football Club. Today the SDFC displays their banner on their oval as an ongoing reminder to their team members and supporters of the importance of saying "NO" to Domestic Violence. Of course, Rotary Morphett Vale's brand is right there alongside of SDFC's. Excellent exposure 365 days of the year.

Club Option - Walk

Simply be there on Saturday 14 September Parade Day to walk, either behind any Group Banner or a banner personalised for your Club. Spread the word and encourage as many people to walk as you can:-

  • Your members and their families
  • Friends of your Club
  • Representatives of local Businesses that your Club interacts with
  • Your local Council elected members and staff
  • Your Social Media followers
  • ... anyone else your team can think of!

Club Option - Media Awareness

Many Clubs have built strong relationships with different media outlets over the years, including local

  • Radio stations
  • TV broadcasters
  • Newspapers & magazines
  • Websites
  • Event Promoters
  • Social Media influencers ... etc

We encourage your Club to share the word about Rotary's "Say NO" programme, with these contacts encouraging them to get behind us and, in turn, spread the word with their audiences. Have a look at what community radio 5EBI and Kwik Kopy Adelaide have done.

Whatever your Club is able to do, we'd appreciate you letting our Committee know by either emailing through details of your efforts to or giving Bill a call on 0410 523 106. Thank you.

Club Option - Club Sponsorship

Running a Parade of this magnitude comes with an array of costs ranging from Council fees; sound systems; signage; safety & first aid; performers; marketing and more.

If your Club can pledge any amount of $$ to help us build the promotion and professionalism of the Parade, we would greatly appreciate it and we'll ensure your Club is promoted on the Home Page as a supporter, plus we will work with your Club as closely as possible to realise other opportunities.

Donations can be EFTd directly to the Walk's host club, Rotary Regency Park's DV Campaign Account : BSB 105-011 • A/C 112 998 740. Alternatively, at time of formally registering your Club's participation ( ) there's an option to pledge a donation using a VISA or Mastercard.

If transferring by EFT - Please include a payment reference similar to "Rotary XYZ Club - DV pledge"

Club Option - Share Stories and Events offers Rotary an opportunity to promotionally support our Clubs and the local Domestic Violence support groups they work with.

You can supply stories or event details to our team to be included for free on our website. It's a great way to promote good news stories and coming events your Club or these local Groups are running.

Collectively, we can build interaction with the wider community and attendance at coming events.

Club Option - T-shirts / Polo Shirts / Hats

National Workwear have partnered with Rotary to offer a great range of quality "Say NO to Domestic Violence" apparel.

Over 7,000 items last year were sold to Rotary Club members and members of the public across Australia.

Your Club can order direct. Their online order form allows individual members to buy and pay for their own requirements ... OR ... they have a downloadable order form that allows a Club to make a bulk order, which saves on freight costs.

Have a look at the options < click here >

Club Assistance Needed - Your Club's Web Listing

We have a section on our "Say NO to Domestic Violence Website" that lists all of our Clubs in District 9510, broken down into regions, to help the general public locate a convenient Club near them.

< click here > to have a look at the listings and please improve the listing for your Club by contacting Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 or

Each Club Listing allows for:-

  • Club Name
  • Website address
  • Online contact form (hidden email address ... but we need your email address)
  • Telephone number
  • Facebook page link

Not all fields are mandatory - but we've found that often (for example) people like to pick up the phone and just speak to their local Club ... hence we're hoping you will also provide a phone number.

Club Option - Connect with your Local Businesses

The Rotary Club of Balina-Richmond in NSW started this Say No to DV initiative back in 2018. At the time, their Club had around 25 members. Today, they've connected so well with their local businesses that their membership has swollen to in excess of 80 members.

And because of this now close relationship with their local community, many of their local businesses observe Purple Shirt Thursday - wearing our Say No to DV Rotary Shirts to spread the word. An amazing success.

In South Australia, we've launched A3 posters with the Rotary DV Branding on it, including YOUR Club Logo and a space to promote a local business' logo.

See here:-

Contact Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 or for more info on how we can support your club with this initiative. Maybe you too can swell your membership while helping to build the Say No branding around your local area.


We know many Rotary Clubs across our District are already strongly involved with projects that support Domestic Violence survivors and/or Organisations that run programmes to help in the Domestic Violence realm

We're rapidly finding out just how many Clubs are involved. But unless you tell us about your project, we can't help you to build further awareness.

Please share your stories with us to include in the News section of our website. We can include a nice story - with photos - videos - links to relevant other sites + more.

We can include "call-to-action" messages to encourage readers to connect with your Club in whatever way you may need.

So please do tell us about your Club projects and relationships - contact Bill Marles on 0410 523 106 or for more info on how we can support your club with this initiative.