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Rotary in Southern Australia

Rotary District 9510 represents around 90 local Rotary and Rotaract Clubs, grouped in Rotary International's District 9510. Our landmass covers much of South Australia - up into the southern Northern Territory - and western region of New South Wales and Victoria.

There are 20 Districts across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific region, which form what as known as 'Rotary Zone 8', containing 1,000+ Rotary Clubs and about 33,000 individual Rotary members.

Internationally, Rotary is a passionate organisation of 1.3+ million men and women who dedicate some time giving back to their communities. There are 33,000+ clubs worldwide, across 200+ countries ... we are one big family.

Business people form a significant part of our membership, who also benefit from Rotary's Vocational focus to cross promote and support each other (it's how Rotary started over 100 years ago - building trade between businesses!)

Rotary is a very social orangisation. Camaraderie is high among members. Most clubs meet weekly or fortnightly at differing times. Membership comprises men and women from business and professional groups; retirees; and young people with a passion to get involved to support their community.

Corporate Memberships are a popular and a modern way for Businesses and Organisations to support their communities, with employees of that organisation representing their buisiness as as much as becoming individual Rotarians in their own right.

Each club chooses to run local projects in their region, plus they will support the International work of Rotary as a whole, such as the End Polio Now program with an ambition to wipe Polio (and other diseases) from the face of the planet.

Rotarians (and/or their children) also have the opportunity to participate in overseas exchange programs. Youth training and mentoring programs. Overseas humanitarian aid projects and so much more.

Rotary Says NO to Domestic Violence

Our 2023/24 Rotary Year welcomed our D9510 District Governor Craig Dowling to the helm. Craig is a member of the Rotary Club of Loxton in the South Australian Riverland. He brings to Rotary an enormous amount of leadership passion to support the work of all the Clubs.

Part of Craig's personal passion was to support this Rotary Zone 8 united determination to Say No to Domestic Violence. Back in 2018, this campaign started in the Eastern States of Australia. South Australia is now respected as a major contributor to spreading this message locally.

Rotary welcomes YOU to this determination. And Thanks You for your personal support of our District and Clubs' passion to help improve the lives of people in our local community.


If you have an interest in finding out more about Rotary, send an email direct to our committee Chair Jeff Cluse ... ... Jeff will be delighted to help introduce you to some Clubs geographically close to your location or click here to explore them online.