Call 1800 Respect

SA Ambulance Service

SAAS is committed to the promotion of respectful relationships and gender equality within our organisation, and the ongoing culture of zero tolerance towards violence and aggression.
1300 13 62 72

If you are experiencing an Emergency - please call 000

SA Ambulance Service provides South Australians with emergency ambulance services and pre-hospital medical care, non-emergency patient transport and other associated services.

Often the first point of contact for people needing care, SAAS has a diverse team of highly-skilled clinicians and a range of clinical services to meet the changing needs of our SA community.

SAAS is committed to the promotion of respectful relationships and gender equality within our organisation, and the ongoing culture of zero tolerance towards violence and aggression.

SAAS’s aim is to strive for a robust culture of gender equity and to ensure it has appropriate and easily accessible mechanisms in place to support all staff.

In 2024 SAAS is focusing on:

• providing patients and staff easy access to support resources for both victims and perpetrators

• informing staff and volunteers of White Ribbon Australia accreditation policies and procedures

• engaging staff and volunteers with e-learning training on respectful relationships and gender equality.

Register to Walk

Click the Button to Walk for Respect
and during registration, choose to support SA Ambulance Service